Marshfield Primary School Governing Body support staff to ensure that a very good quality education is provided for all pupils. The enthusiastic team is dedicated in providing challenge so that high educational standards are achieved and maintained in all aspects of pupils' work.
The Governing body is drawn from staff, parents , community and Newport LEA and works hard to provide strategic leadership and accountability.
John Tobutt (Chair of Governors)
Claire Lawrence (Acting Headteacher)
Community Gov apptd by GB/Cymunedol, penodwyd gan BLI
Suzanne Evans (Vice Chair)
Cath Batten
Rev Rafael De Lima
Teresa Morris
LA Appointed/Penodwyd gan yr ALI
Cllr Allan Screen
Brian Miles
Cllr Rhian Howells
John Tobutt (Chair)
Parent Representative/Cynrychiolydd Rhiant
Louise Sillince
Maria Goddard
Shane Hyland
Sian Hoskins
James Wilmott
Staff Representative/Cynrychiolydd Staff
Sarah Cresswell
Teacher Representative/Cynrychiolydd Athrawon
Laura Lane
Claire Lawrence